
Privacy policy

  1. The owner of the service Content management system Port 3n is Ste­fan Naw­roc­ki, Poland, e-mail address: office@3n.com.pl.
  2. The service is available through the website http://port.3n.com.pl.
  3. This website uses cookies to enable the action of some fe­atu­res of the site (eg. change the background color, the look and language of the interface, etc.) and to count the number of visits.
  4. To turn off or limit the effect of cookies you can use the corres­pon­ding options in your web browser.
  5. Here are the addresses of websites where you can find informa­tions about the most popular browsers: Ope­ra, Mo­zil­la Fi­re­fox, Mic­ro­soft In­ter­net Ex­plo­rer, Chro­me.
  6. Here you can delete all cookies from this website.
  7. While you are browsing this website we do not collect and do not store any of your personal data. The browsing of this site does not require creating an account and does not require a login.
  8. If you have any questions about privacy policy you can write an e-mail to address: office@3n.com.pl.